LEGO Legends of Chima Wiki
Personal Information
Name Glacior
Owner(s) Sir Fangar
Saber-Tooth Tiger Giant (Formerly)
Weapon Type Sword
Forged From Saber-Tooth Tiger tooth
Forged By Saber Tooth Tribe
Forged For Saber-Tooth Tiger Royalty
First Episode Fire Dreaming
First Product 70143 Sir Fangar's Saber-Tooth Walker

The Glacior is Sir Fangar's main and personal weapon.

Official Description[]

(From Weapons section)

The Glacior is Sir Fangar's personal royal Sword. The tooth is said to have belonged to a giant Sabretooth from ancient times. That Sabretooth's other fang is still lost somewhere in the ice, and Sir Fangar has promised a reward to whoever finds it.

(From Explore, Rise of the Phoenix)

Sir Fangar’s sword is called Glacior. It is made from the tooth from a giant Saber-tooth Tiger, believed to have been the legend beast of the tribe. Fangar traded the tooth for one of his own teeth, which is why he has a gold tooth. No pain, no gain. He promised the giant beast that he would use the tooth to restore the Saber-tooth Tiger tribe to their former glory and rightful place as rulers of Chima. And as you know, he is doing all he can to honor that promise. Guess he should have named the sword toothache.

(From Legends of Chima: Character Encyclopedia)

Sir Fangar's Sacred Sword[]

Sir Fangar's triple-pronged sword has been passed down from leader to leader. More decorative than useful, the sword hasn't been used in battle for thousands of years.


